Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Wow, they like to throw large undecided questions at you in this challenge. Thats obviously why its called a challenge.
Now, of course i'd love to marry/be with a celeb (a.k.a JBieber, did you guess right?) but to honestly answer this question, i don't.

Of course they would let you live the life of the rich & famous, but does that really mean you will end up happy?
Whoever i end up marrying/being with in the future, should be someone that isnt perfect.
He could make me smile, cry, laugh or hurt but no matter what, if we are together and have each other & are happy that is all that matters.

But in the end, we can't predict the future, so whoever the world puts us with, it is made for a reason.
Love everyone for who they are not who you want them to be...
Because in the end, if they make you happy then you are meant to be :)

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Sorry to whoever reads this about the delay on blog posts.
The following reasons explain my delay:
1. Exams.
2. Blank mind
3. No free time, until now :)

So here is Day 19 (more like, Day 52 or something) about nicknames i have..
Instead of me listing them all, ill name and a few and you can make up or figure out the rest..
1. Rubes (i know what it means & yes its embarrassing)
2. Rubby (or however you spell it)
3. Rubina
4. Yubray
5. Rubostrous (dinosaur name?!)
6. Rooby (Ruby) Booby

etc. etc.
if you find something that rhymes with my name, then its practically already my nickname or you have amazing created me a new one...
enjoy knowing what to call me, my cyber/blogger friends.
well if i have any.