Friday, June 18, 2010

somebody to love.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

when you fall in love, you fall forever.

Ever had that feeling when you want someone so much but you know you can't have them but you need them and you try everything but its too hard and your only option is to give up?

That need and want to have that special someone to love, hold, kiss etc. And even if its not love at first sight you hope it will happen soon. Possibly tomorrow, in a month or even a few years, whenever, but you keep hoping its someday soon. However, I can't promise you it will, but I can promise you that if you never say never, it is possible.

You hate hearing those cliché songs about boy meets girl, you are jealous of that one girl in that movie, TV series or book who gets the gorgeous guy, you get jealous of your friend who has a boyfriend who she is constantly texting and way to busy to see you and you are either head over heels for someone but you keep telling yourself that it will never happen, cause he's doesn't notice you, cause he doesn't think your pretty, he only likes the 'popular' girls...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

All of that butterflies-in-your-stomach garbage is just in our heads. Now, I’m not saying I’m the expert when it comes to relationships and love but I know for a fact everyone has felt this way for someone at least one or twice and sometimes all the time. And I’m going to admit that I’m been in the same boat and have been a few times in my 15 years of my life.

I want to meet that gorgeous ‘prince charming’ guy who is like Liam Hemsworth and sleeps on the beach with you or is like Channing Tatum and writes letters to you from war or like Taylor Lautner who lets you take his shirt off whenever he wants to run around but really you have to come back to today, in reality. We are in a society where movie storylines and clichés do NOT exist. But congratulations if your boyfriend DOES sparkle in the sunlight or runs in slow motion to give you that perfect goodbye kiss every time you leave him…it shows that your are very, very LUCKY.

However, boys will always be boys. They will also complicate the relationship that you practically control. Yes, boys can be smelly, annoying, rude, and hormonal and play COD and say nothing but I love you once and go back to being himself with ‘da boys’. But us, as girls can get past this stage of ‘ugh, I give up on boys’ and make sure that you meet that special someone and not sit in your room staring at posters of Justin Bieber and Shia La Beouf and writing on paper love hearts and what your name would look like with their surname.

Now, I’m not going to finish this by telling you ways you can find that special someone but I am going to explain how you can avoid your chances from being ruined. Firstly don’t aim to get the guy with the highest status in life (e.g. Actor, Football Champion,), don’t sulk after every time you see your friend and they blab on about their perfect love life – uhh, be happy for them, don’t start talk to as many guys as possible to see which one will eventually give in to asking you out, don’t try and get or flirt with your friends ex or even your friends boyfriend whilst they are dating to try and get them to want you and finally don’t start liking the same bands that this one guy likes or wear the same brand that he does to try and get his attention.

What guys, I believe, see in a girl is who they really are. Yeh, fair enough they don’t show it or say it. But many of them look for that. And I know there are occasional guys who only choose girls who have big boobs or long legs etc, that’s not the point. What I am saying is that the guy who is most likely to be your ‘special someone’ will be that guy who talks to you like he wants to be friends, tells his friends that he likes you cause your hot but really he likes your cause of that dimple on your left cheek and how you like to be who you want to be and he will definitely be a guy who doesn’t tell his friends everything you do and make time for you even if his friends get mad. If some guy you know is doing these things, he is mostly likely in love with you or likes you and definitely wants to go out with you. So take that chance of dating and you never know where one date can go, and if it does fail there are PLENTY more fish in the sea. PLENTY MORE.

So, to end this, remember to never give up when it comes to LOVE. Don’t become depressed over it and definitely don’t try SO hard for someone. Be yourself and let LOVE happen. Let it hit you without it being planned. And trust me, when it happens you will know, because when you fall in love, you fall forever.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

new york, new york.

If you search up a word meaning both amazing and beautiful, i'm almost certain it will say the words:

Its a city that is always remembered. A city that never sleeps. A city that amazes me.
It is home for destinies. It is a place that inspires me to dream and believe in anything.
The flashing lights in Times Square, the yellow and loud taxi cabs zooming past and the tall and overpowering building which capture you and take you into a whole new world.
A world that you will always want to escape to and remember. A place where dreams can happen and where secrets are more like stories.

Jay Z, Alicia Keys, Ben Stiller, Brooke Shields, Charlie Sheen, Matthew Boderick and many other celebrities come from the Big Apple. Many of these people have left this place of dreams and inspiration and pursued theirs. Its a place i am looking forward to spend many moments and create many memories.

Just as they say...
*In New York, Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
Theres nothing you can’t do, Now you’re in New York,
these streets will make you feel brand new,
Big lights will inspire you, lets hear it for New York,

but New York brings out a story in everyone....let it tell yours.


Monday, June 7, 2010

never say never.

Just another case of Bieber Fever...
Just to let you all know i am a very very very huge fan of Justin Bieber... Biebs and I will meet someday and i know he wants to meet me i sense it! Now, i can come across as a stalkish fan as i read his Twitter everyday, but isn't it exceptable to know what your favourite celebrity is doing?? I mean who wouldn't want to find interesting things about them: I mean, he sends flirty tweets out :) Can he get anymore cuter? You have to agree me, cmon! But despite this...i know there are many people out there who think he stinks and is a boy who sings like a girl etc.. you gotta say he has talent... Instead of heading on to YouTube and listening to his popular pop tune BABY, listen to this new single, the theme song of the remake of Karate Kid (out July 1st). Its called 'Never Say Never' ft. Jayden Smith, Will Smiths son, check it out, it makes my heart melt, but i'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as i did :)


Well, if you think you've heard enough of me blabbing on about Mr. Bieb
s himself, then please exit my page but if you like my blogs then follow me :)

Anyways if your a Bieber fan you would experience a 'Biebergasm' over one of his songs, you'll compete with people over the lyrics of his songs, wear bits and pieces of similar clothing, do the same things as him etc. I have some symptoms. I've seen the doctor. Above are one symptom. But don't worried i've been diagnosed with the fever and prescribed with this medicine:

Hope you don't think i'm too crazy. I do love other musicians and stuff might just be a phase.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Recovering your life.

Now with the title above, i do not mean coming out of a coma or someone saving my life. I am referring to that moment when you realize technology decides to fail on you and you lose everything. Your life. This only happened to me recently. Pretty much two days ago. In the most convient time around exams where my study notes vanished...

What i would of looked like whilst procrastinating about this issue...yelling WHY ME!

My USB drive failed and denied me access to the drive. This, explained a computer whiz at my school, that my thumbdrive is not letting you access or recover your files due to the fact you may have removed it unsafely..yada yada - in modern sense he meant - YOUR SCREWED!
However, until this afternoon, i wanted to go back to that 'whiz' and be like LOOK WHOS TALKING NOW! - because thankyou to Sydney Data Recovery (you saved my techologic life) for recovering all my data :) Now, i haven't learnt a lesson to remove my hard drive safely and back up. Learn from me people. You dont want to end up like me. and write down Sydney Data Recovery. LIFESAVERS! You'll need them one time, trust me.