Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot

Food...particulary chocolate.


But i mean, who doesn't.

And for the matter of fact since starting to write this, i just purchased a Freddo Frog & a Curly Wurly for my craving stomach to snack on whilst catching up on this delayed blog challenge...so excuses the crumbs & chocolate coated keyboard..

This 'crave' happens when i'm bored, sad, lonely or scared...

Particulary the moments like:

- being heartbroken

- boredem, particulary when i'm on Facebook..

- confused about something..

- home alone or scared by something


However, if there was no chocolate...how would i survive those moments..

and how would be even survive birthdays, Easter, Valentines Day...if there was no chocolate...

Ah, the world would be healthy & skinnier place...but who gives a stuff..

'If you crave it, eat it...'

(nothing is stopping you...
except, maybe the hormones in your body that will attack you via karma...a.k.a pimples!! )

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

What makes me different?
Let me ask you that question. Because, honestly, i have no clue.
Perhaps its my personality, my apperance, my attitude in life, my believes, my height? etc.
But since the question is asking me, what i think makes me different...
I think it is my persona & my attitude towards life.
Yes, at times i hate my life but then i love it. But most of time i am positive or optimistic about life in general...
But who am i to judge about myself,
...i want you to tell me...
but who are you & what makes you different?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

ocean views. they make me happy.
the breeze off the water.
the distance that lasts forever - giving you that endless train of thought..knowing that nothing is impossible..

it makes me feel free & loose..
just sitting somewhere and looking out at one..
makes me happy :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Wow, they like to throw large undecided questions at you in this challenge. Thats obviously why its called a challenge.
Now, of course i'd love to marry/be with a celeb (a.k.a JBieber, did you guess right?) but to honestly answer this question, i don't.

Of course they would let you live the life of the rich & famous, but does that really mean you will end up happy?
Whoever i end up marrying/being with in the future, should be someone that isnt perfect.
He could make me smile, cry, laugh or hurt but no matter what, if we are together and have each other & are happy that is all that matters.

But in the end, we can't predict the future, so whoever the world puts us with, it is made for a reason.
Love everyone for who they are not who you want them to be...
Because in the end, if they make you happy then you are meant to be :)

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Sorry to whoever reads this about the delay on blog posts.
The following reasons explain my delay:
1. Exams.
2. Blank mind
3. No free time, until now :)

So here is Day 19 (more like, Day 52 or something) about nicknames i have..
Instead of me listing them all, ill name and a few and you can make up or figure out the rest..
1. Rubes (i know what it means & yes its embarrassing)
2. Rubby (or however you spell it)
3. Rubina
4. Yubray
5. Rubostrous (dinosaur name?!)
6. Rooby (Ruby) Booby

etc. etc.
if you find something that rhymes with my name, then its practically already my nickname or you have amazing created me a new one...
enjoy knowing what to call me, my cyber/blogger friends.
well if i have any.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

I thought that instead of listening plans/dreams & goals as such, i have decided to write my bucket list, which includes all that is in the heading. try and write your own & make it happen.

  1. climb the harbour bridge
  2. actually read all the harry potter novels
  3. meet ruby rose
  4. or someone famous & spend a day (or more) with them
  5. eat snails
  6. live in a apartment in NYC
  7. take a road trip to every festival in australia
  8. catch the bouquet at a wedding
  9. throw a huge party
  10. swim with sharks & dolphins
  11. skydive
  12. spend a whole day eating junk food
  13. be an extra in a film
  14. buy someone a dozen roses
  15. be a member of an audience of a tv show
  16. send a message in a bottle
  17. plant a tree, watch it grow overtime
  18. write a fan letter to a hero/heroine - done :)
  19. shower in a waterfall
  20. take a flight on the airbus A380
  21. see a solar eclipse
  22. sing in front of an audience
  23. learn the 50 states of america & travel to them all
  24. sleep under the stars
  25. learn to juggle
  26. drive a convertible with the top down & music blaring
  27. ride a horse with no saddle
  28. go up in a hot air balloon
  29. see the mona isa
  30. learn to play golf
  31. learn to say hello in 50 languages
  32. learn to fly a plane
  33. go zorbing
  34. visit the seven wonders of the world
  35. meet the president of the US or the queen of england
  36. donate an organ or blood
  37. donate money, generoulsy, to a cause
  38. shop in rodeo drive & buy something stupidly expensive
  39. go on a safari
  40. get a tattoo
  41. take up yoga or mediation
  42. start a collection
  43. tell someone i love them & mean it
  44. go to the uk, hawaii & canada
  45. tell someone important, a nice thing
  46. camp on the beach
  47. dress up as the opposite sex for a whole day
  48. do a photography course
  49. save someones life
  50. & be remembered

what are somethings you would like to do? or whats on your bucket list?
& remember never ever ever give up :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why..

I have thought alot about this blog...and finally came up with an answer.
Most people would write about a celebrity or idol they want to swap with lives with, and many might assume i would do that, however after thinking for a while, i came up with something different.

I would switch lives for one day with my sister.

Yes, my sister can be absolutely horribly annoying, but i would want to swap lives with her for one day for a number of reasons.
Firstly, i want to go back being young again and see what is like being her age in this generation.
Secondly, i want to know what it feels like when i get annoyed at her and be able to see how hard it can be to stand up for yourself.
Thirdly, i want to be able to be young and in junior, not having heaps of complicated work and sooo many worries in life.
But most of all, i want to be able to still believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny etc. for just one more time, so Christmas is a bit more exciting and Easter is mysterious again, and i wish i still had teeth that could fall out, cause i probably would be rich.

So in the end, my life swap day would also consist of me seeing my sister older. I want to see my sister older now, so i know what i am ready for, because believe me i love my sister being younger and it terrifies me to see her growing up so fast.

So this blog, is pretty much dedicated to my sister.
Thankyou for everything you have done and i'm sorry for being a bitch now and then.
i love you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

I dunno who wrote this blog challenge, but they seem to want to see what i look like constantly.
And i can't be bothered to get a real picture so i'm going to give you a random photo.

I hope the next day challenge is better. enough with the pictures, i'm here to write.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

1. Magic - B.o.B
2. OMG - Usher
3. Womanizer - Britney Spears
4. Permanent December - Miley Cyrus
5. Yellow - Coldplay
6. Crack A Bottle ft. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent - Eminem
7. Pursuit of Happiness - Kid Cudi
8. Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
9. Mowgil's Road - Marina & The Diamonds
10. Boom Boom Guetta (David Guetta Remix) - Black Eyed Peas

what a mixture. and no bieber included. wow.
i apologise day 15 is boring & that i am very behind in my blog.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

modern family?

yes, my family is pretty much like that the shows family.
minus the brother and dad.
i don't really want to put a 'family' photo on here, and i don't actually have one anymore..
so, i'm just going to leave you this.

does you family resemble them?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

To You,

Shit Happens, Life Sucks.
We forgive and forget.
But then make more mistakes.
It hurts, but life's a bitch.
We will suck it up and turn a new leaf.
But its a continuing cycle, it never ends.
We fight fire with fire, again and again.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 12- How you found out about Blogspot and why you made one


I read a few blogs from Blogspot.com and then wanted to start my own. I love to write about almost anything, so i thought this would be the best option. Its just a place where i feel i can express anything and hopefully someone reads it and is motivated, inspired, interested etc.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

This blog doesn't have much to it. Its pretty much exactly what the title states. However, friends to me are one of the most important things in life, without them i wouldn't be who i am. They make me laugh, smile and support me everyday of my life, pretty much. This blog is dedicated to them all, they should know who they are. :)

Again, i couldn't find a good enough picture.
So, its just a blog today, dedicated to them. My friends.

(insert amazing-gorgeous-friends photo here)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad


This was actually yesterdays but i too tired so here it is for today :)
I love music, it is literally my life. It is in my blood and in my brain all-the-time.
So, this blog will be my favourite..songs i listen to when i'm:

Happy: Giving Up the Gun by Vampire Weekend :) (i also think of my good friend Gab when i listen to this song, and she makes me happy, all my friends do..) or probs California Gurls, at the moment it isn't getting old...

Hyped: At the moment it would probs be Dynamite by Taio Cruz, but usually either Fight for this Love by Cheryl Cole or Somebody to Love by Justin Bieber (but you know, his music makes me happy always anyways...but this one hypes me up) or Heart of Fire by Disco Montengo...they all are songs that i can dance to or sing loudly to when i'm hyped..

Sad: Probs either Stay by Miley Cyrus, Who am I to Say by Hope or Boston by Augustana..yeh there lyrics explain everything..oh, and also Fix You by Coldplay...amazing :)

Bored: Billionaire by Travis McCoy! Oh my god. Thats all i listen to when i'm doing school work...its a bloody good song though. And sometimes Big Jet Plane by Angus & Julia Stone...but still amazing songs :)

Mad: Probs You've Got the Love by Florence and the Machine...but also any techno shit music...like Evacuate the Dance floor that i can blast for no reason...

However, overall its BRUNO MARS who i listen to.
He is a musical legend..all his songs are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
He voice is so soulful...ahhh!

Just get off my random blog and go listen to him...as you fall asleep :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Today is a hard blog. I can't really think of anything that i am proud of in the past few days...well something important or interesting...however, tomorrow i will have completed something that i am proud of, which i have finally done...

i will have sent letters, for my dream to come true

tomorrow, i will finally believe that anything can happen & hope it does,

because if you keep believing, dreams can come true.

thats what i'm proud of, being able to still be inspired to believe & dream.

i am proud to say also, i wish my wish luck & hope it comes true...


Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

Goals are tricky...i dont usually set them but when i do i never achieve them...i forget about them..(thankyou Facebook!) But the last time i wrote goals was in Jr School, making new goals each term and actually achieving them...probably with the help of teachers :)

However, for this month my short term goals would have to be:
- Succeed in school
- Make more new friends
- Save money, instead of spending it on useless things..
- Reduce 'hate' in my life
- Become closer with my sister
- Help someone...anyone with something
- Continue to believe that my dream will come true..
- ....achieve these goals :)

What are you goals?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

day seven.
The following photos...have made the biggest impact on me lately...it has made me think twice about my realtionship with my sister, how much we should appreciate our lives & of course made me want to reach out and help people with cancer...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

Honestly, i don’t necessarily have a favourite superhero.
batman, superman, spiderman.. pfft, they’re all overrated.
However, if i were a boy, i probably give you them in a order of favourites, but in this case i'm not.

So, whilst clicking through photos of superheroes that i want to put on here, i stumbled across this picture which really illustrates what a superhero is..
It made me laugh, because its true.

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to


A photo of myself in the Simpson Desert in the Northern Territory.
Best experience ever..travelled from Adelaide driving all the way up to Alice Springs.
From highways to mud roads i had the most fun, having geography lessons in the car whilst watching the Hurt Locker & Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 on a iPad...something i would definitely do again.. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

nail habits.

I don't have a really bad habit that i truly hate. Besides my uncontrollable habit to bite my nails. And it annoys me because i go get a pedicure whilst their long, grow them a bit longer then get either nervous or bored and bite them until their are short and i have to start this cycle again. I hate it and need to stop it, especially for the formal :)

From today onwards, the nail biting (hopefully) will end. I need to control myself.

peace :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

DAY 3.

I couldn't find a picture of all my friends so i decided to leave you with this cartoon,

i am the one with the arrow and my friends can all decide who they want to be.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name

'Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.'

My blog really doesn't have that much of a meaning.
It is just a mixture of everything i feel the need to talk about. My opinions, stories and beliefs all in one internet page.

It is just a mixture of lifeandeverythingelse...because you have to embrace your life you live in.

However a few of these random statements below are small influences behind the blog...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself...

DAY 1.
Above is the recent picture of me, trying to feel summer in winter. (photograph courtesy of sophiee :D)

#rubyfacts (like#bieberfacts on twitter, you wouldn't get it if you don't have twitter),this should be interesting...
#rubyfacts1. I have the worst phobia of storms. I cannot be outside if there is a storm. It if it is raining and thats it, im perfectly fine but as soon as lighting or thunder strikes, i bail. I freak out and pretty much throw a tantrum, you wouldn't want to be there.

#rubyfacts2. Ferris Buller's Day Off, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club - the list goes on...i absolutely love vintage movies. The humour, the actors, the clothes, the stories...they are all so awesome. I love them all...if you haven't seen the movies - go rent them ASAP :)

#rubyfacts3. I have two homes. One is my Dads & the other is my Mums. It is actually pretty fun, i mean both places are so unique. And both hold different memories and moments.

#rubyfacts4. I have the most influential relative ever! She has inspired me to believe and dream in something i love. She is a singer/songwriter and her amazing soul sound can move you. Nikka Costa - - > check her out :)

#rubyfacts5. I have the same name as a MTV VJ. I always thought my name was unique until it became famous...which was kinda what i wanted to do, but i guess she beat me to it!

#rubyfacts6. When i leave school i hope to go to the White House College :) - I have wanted to go here for a long time, i keep hoping i will!

#rubyfacts7. My favourite colour is RED. Possibly because of my name. But i love the vibrancy it lets off.

#rubyfacts8. I was born 10 weeks premature. I was so small i would sit in my Dads palm and sleep.

#rubyfacts9. I am terrible at reading. I don't mean i can't physically read. I just take ages. It took me about a year to read New Moon. (Probably because I get a bit too distracted.)

#rubyfacts10. I am 16. I don't see how that is interesting or a fact. But i can drive, i can drink in France & um, you no...im legal.

#rubyfacts11. I have a Tabby Persian cat called Tassie. I rescued him from Tasmania from a crazy drugged woman. Long story short, he is now healthy and in a wonderful family :)

#rubyfacts12. I have this fetish about eyebrows. Do you ever notice something on someone everytime you see them? Well i always look at peoples eyebrows...its hard to explain but I just have a fetish.

#rubyfacts13. I also own two fish, Bieber & Cosmo - i did have a Wanda too but she did various somersaults which ended in a horrible ending.

#rubyfacts14. I love to sing, but don't have enough confidence to be able to share my voice. I guess singing in the shower will have to do for now.

#rubyfacts15. And of course, my final fact, i am the ultimate Bieber fan and i would pretty much do anything for this boy...(embarrassing, i know) but he is my inspiration through what he does.

Well thats my first blog for the blog challenge complete, yay!
Day 2, its on.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

update. blogchallenge. coming soon.

BLOG CHALLENGE. I'm taking it on.

I am going to take on this challenge. Starting Monday 9th August for 30 days.

I hope I can do it, 30 days, each day a new blog.

Hard work, get excited.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogspot and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?

Blog ya later.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

shooting stars, airplanes, 11:11, genies, eye lashes, birthday candles, wishes....

All we ever do is sit around and WISH for something to happen, chances are, that something we are wishing for never will come true…but we keep hoping.

Shooting stars, 11:11, Blowing birthday candles..

All these things exist to give people HOPE. They do not exist for the simple pleasure of depending on them, they are wasting our precious time, as we wish for the things we want most to come true.

What do you wish for?

Sometimes I wish I could be the one fish that you choose out of all in the sea.

I wish I knew how to put exactly how I feel into words. I get close, but never quite on target.

I wish negative people would shut up.

I wish people would stop telling me what is cool and which isn’t.

I wish I could meet my idols.

I wish you could trust me more, as much as I trust you.

I wish I knew if he really did love me back then.

I wish people didn’t wish to be someone who they aren’t, and notice that they are beautiful inside and out.

I wish people wouldn’t judge other people.

I wish I didn’t keep having the same dreams, hoping when I wake up they will be real.

I wish I would talk to you without saying the wrong things.

I wish I wasn’t a bitch at times and hurt people I tried to get close to.

I wish I had more money, but only to use it for lavish gifts for my friends, and occasionally me.

I wish my parents could be together. And shit never destroyed them.

I wish it was natural for people, as soon as they realize they love someone, to tell them.

I wish I were as lucky as you.

I wish everything people told me throughout my childhood I could still believe.

I wish you could consider me that person you could tell everything to.

I wish you could break out of your shell and do what you want to do and not let others influence you.

I wish you would notice me for who I am and not how I’m different.

I wish I could know what is going through boys minds, all the time.

I wish there wasn’t such a thing as eating disorders, HIV/AIDS or cancers.

I wish older adults would take teenagers more seriously.

We all wish for a lot of things. Probably too many.

But in the end, in reality, if we stop wishing, there is actually this thing called,

“Making things happen.”

We need to stop wishing and starting believing…