Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why..

I have thought alot about this blog...and finally came up with an answer.
Most people would write about a celebrity or idol they want to swap with lives with, and many might assume i would do that, however after thinking for a while, i came up with something different.

I would switch lives for one day with my sister.

Yes, my sister can be absolutely horribly annoying, but i would want to swap lives with her for one day for a number of reasons.
Firstly, i want to go back being young again and see what is like being her age in this generation.
Secondly, i want to know what it feels like when i get annoyed at her and be able to see how hard it can be to stand up for yourself.
Thirdly, i want to be able to be young and in junior, not having heaps of complicated work and sooo many worries in life.
But most of all, i want to be able to still believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny etc. for just one more time, so Christmas is a bit more exciting and Easter is mysterious again, and i wish i still had teeth that could fall out, cause i probably would be rich.

So in the end, my life swap day would also consist of me seeing my sister older. I want to see my sister older now, so i know what i am ready for, because believe me i love my sister being younger and it terrifies me to see her growing up so fast.

So this blog, is pretty much dedicated to my sister.
Thankyou for everything you have done and i'm sorry for being a bitch now and then.
i love you.

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