Monday, June 7, 2010

never say never.

Just another case of Bieber Fever...
Just to let you all know i am a very very very huge fan of Justin Bieber... Biebs and I will meet someday and i know he wants to meet me i sense it! Now, i can come across as a stalkish fan as i read his Twitter everyday, but isn't it exceptable to know what your favourite celebrity is doing?? I mean who wouldn't want to find interesting things about them: I mean, he sends flirty tweets out :) Can he get anymore cuter? You have to agree me, cmon! But despite this...i know there are many people out there who think he stinks and is a boy who sings like a girl etc.. you gotta say he has talent... Instead of heading on to YouTube and listening to his popular pop tune BABY, listen to this new single, the theme song of the remake of Karate Kid (out July 1st). Its called 'Never Say Never' ft. Jayden Smith, Will Smiths son, check it out, it makes my heart melt, but i'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as i did :)


Well, if you think you've heard enough of me blabbing on about Mr. Bieb
s himself, then please exit my page but if you like my blogs then follow me :)

Anyways if your a Bieber fan you would experience a 'Biebergasm' over one of his songs, you'll compete with people over the lyrics of his songs, wear bits and pieces of similar clothing, do the same things as him etc. I have some symptoms. I've seen the doctor. Above are one symptom. But don't worried i've been diagnosed with the fever and prescribed with this medicine:

Hope you don't think i'm too crazy. I do love other musicians and stuff might just be a phase.